DVDmovies at The Barras

Welcome to The Barras, Europe’s premiere source of Asian-release DVDs.

Over the past few years, Glasgow’s BarrowLands Market (The Barras) has grown from a small local market to Europe’s largest centre for the distribution of grey-market movies.  With the latest selection of movies flown in each week from Bangkok, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, if a movie is available anywhere, you’ll find it at The Barras.  Now you can buy these same movies online through our website.

Like every successful market, we keep things simple.  To order a movie, just select it from our catalog, and you’ll be transfered to CCnow’s secure ordering system.  You don’t pay us.  You pay CCnow, one of the world’s largest secure online ordering systems.  No-one, not even us, has access to your credit card details

Ordering From DVDmovies.

There are two sections to our catalog.  The first is the ‘MOVIES’ section where you can  order from a selection of top quality DVDs, many of which have never been released in Europe.  Every movie in this section is a tenner (£10), including shipping! 

The second section in our catalog is the ‘SPECIALS’ section.  Here you’ll find a library of custom designed movie collections at special prices.  Agan, shipping is included in every price.

Once you order from us, you an elect to receive our monthly catalog by email.  Every month we’ll email you a list of the latest movies we’ve managed to bring to Europe.  Why wait for years for a movie to ccme on the market?  And why pay over the odds?  Order your first movie today


All DVDmovies products are English language DVDs imported from the Far East.  They are duplicated onto top-quality ‘branded’ DVD-R disks and packaged in a standard  DVD box. Some movies have additional features such as multiple languages or subtitles while others just contain the movie

NOTE: SOME OLDER OR LOW-END DVD PLAYERS DO NOT PLAY DVD-R MOVIES.  Before you order from us you should check whether your DVD player will play DVD-R.  For a full list of compatible DVD Players you can check:


We guarantee that every product we ship is fully tested on a range of compatible DVD Players.  If you order a DVD from us and, for any reason, it is defective, we absolutely guarantee a full replacement..

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